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Symmetry of synchronous computations.


Symbol: ->
Translated to JavaScript function.

First parameter is function parameters.
Last parameter is return of the function.
All parameters between are simple code lines.

= sum -> (x y)
+ x y
= onePlusTwo -> ()
= one 1
= two 2
+ one two

If you need to return something before last line you can use returnable conditional operator ?!:

= func -> (x y)
?! (== x 0) "Nothing"
= sum (+ x y)
? (> sum 5)
"Not so great"

Calling function is just an application of it to parameters:

= a (sum 1 2)
= b sum 1 2
= c
sum 1 2
= d sum

To call parameterless function use ()

= randomNumber
Math.random ()

These functions can be used as lambda functions and be passed as a parameter to another function or can be returned as value from another function.

Immediately invoked functional expression#

Symbol: <-
Translated to JavaScript function.

In the following example result is 3:

= result <-
= a 1
= b 2
+ a b

It's useful when you need to calculate something based on conditions:

?! (== value 0) "Zero"
?! (== value 1) "One"
? (< value 10) "Less than ten" "More than ten"

You can use this operator with conditional operator ? to make non returnable code:

-> number
? (== number 0)
console.log "Number is zero!"
console.log "Hooray!"
+ number 1